Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jaguar Stones: Middleworld

Jon Voelkel's Jaguar Stones: Middleworld excited me to the core. From even the title of this story one can tell it will have an ancient them.

Theme is kind of blunt. The theme is about Max Murphy, the main character, going from a spoiled brat to an understanding, kinder boy. He is a selfish boy who only thinks of himself and what he can get out of a situation. But as we dig deeper we see him as he understands the errors he's done in his life. Uncle Tim, a minor major character, is his uncle. Uncle Tim acts as if he hates Max and pays him barely any attention and tries to keep Max out of his hair. But in the true reality, he loves Max like the son he never had. He'd do anything to keep him safe.

A book it reminds me of is First Boy. Because both are about a boy longing for their parents. As for current events, the destruction and tourism of the rain forests.

The characters are very believable. I fell in love with each of them, even the ones I hated, by the end of the story. Max is the arrogant, spoiled brat who feels like the world owes him everything. The boy who always plays the victim in the situation, but becomes a hero in the end. Uncle Tim is by far my favorite. He has an aristocratic air about him. Through all his poor fortune, he is one of the richest men in the country the story takes place. He is also a caring uncle, deep deep deep deep deep down and go a little farther.

The story was excellent, even if Max got terribly on my nerves. The plot was excellent though.

Pages: 400

Friday, January 7, 2011

Blog #1: Facebook Peeves

Facebook is one of the focle points of a teen's life. We learn more about friends and keep in touch with old flames. Not to mention old classmates you have not seen in years. But as I log on each afternoon to check what is up with my friends, my stomach churns as I read the feed. I see my facebook peeves. Usually feel my eye twitch half-way through reading. These are a few of my facebook peeves. I know at least everyone who reads this can find at least one peeve they relate with.

Ah, lovebirds on facebook, aren't they so deeply in love? One can only guess when you see their gushy messages to each other on your feed. I do not care if you're thinking of "him", missing "him", can't wait to see "him". Go message the guy, call him, or go visit him. Friends can do nothing about it. That may sound a bit harsh. But it is ok to write this once in a while on your profile. But the tenth time in one day is unforgivable.

There is nothing in this world that is gross as hearing of one's "intimate" life. Every. Little. Detail. No one wants to know it!!!! Keep it to themselves is the best option. There's not much else I can say about this subject without sounding vulgar. The point is that the subject of which I speak is despicable.

Last but not my least hated peeve is whining and desperate status'. From this I mean people who write status' and beg for people to respond or act like their life is crumbling for attention. I will not lie, it's worse than pathetic. No one with real problems pours all of it on Facebook looking for help. They would tell a friend, parent, or teacher in person. Well, a person with common sense. Also, the hate of people whining they did not get what they wanted.

These are my peeves and I seem like a jerk. But it's how many people feel on these peeves. Be respectful of your "friends" and give these peeves alone for a day or two.....or forever.