Friday, April 15, 2011

Book Review: Anthem

Ayn Rand's Anthem chilled me to think what the future could become. The title did not obviously tell me what the book was about.

Theme is quite extraordinary. It's about a young man seperating from the herd of mindless men in an obsolete world. Equality 7-2521, the main character, is different from the others. In a world where he may do nothing for himself, but only for the contribution to his fellow man. It may sound perfect but this world is horrible. The people can be thrown in jail just for thinking about his self. Even if it is just his hopes and dreams. Equality is different. He wishes for himself. Hopes for himself. Thinks of himself. He is not self-absorbed. Equality is just the same as any other person in our reality. He still wishes to help his "brothers". Liberty 5-3000, the second most important character, is the woman that Equality dares to put his own eyes upon. In this world, choosing whom you love above others is a sin. A terrible sin that would be horribly punished. Even with the obstacles, Equality loves Liberty and can only think of her. He affectionatly calls her, "Golden One".

A book it reminds me greatly of is The Giver. Because both are about a world where decisions are ripped out of the people's hands. As for current events, it reminds me of dictators taking away people's rights, such as in Libya.

The characters are believable because even though their fellow people are brainwashed, Equality and Liberty act just like us. Equality thinks of himself and not only of others. He loves the woman of his choice. He thinks differently than the herd. Liberty is like any other woman. She enjoys the attention of man who loves her. She can be embarrased, loving, and loyal.

The book was wonderful. I could not put it down. In fact, the book was so good that I finished it within an hour.

Pages: 105

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